CRM Analyst Buzz

What the CRM Experts are Talking About

What’s the latest in customer relationship management?  The leading industry analysts are saying the following about the most current CRM techniques and trends:

CRM applications and related customer service processes continue to stay among the top five critical priorities for CIOs.  Interest in CRM solutions remains very high within corporations, government agencies, and higher education institutions alike.
 – 2007 Gartner Survey

“Lagging indicators in monthly reports do not give companies the type of customer data that they really need to make decisions.  It’s in predictive indicators and real time analytics for decision-making that the real benefit lies.”
– AMR Research Report on Customer Analytics

The growth for hosted CRM continues at a rapid pace, with an estimated 76 percent of overall expansion in the industry expected to come from on-demand solutions.  Revenues for this segment of the CRM market will top $3.6 billion by the end of 2008.
 – IDC

The CRM market was quite strong in 2007.  By year end, total sales are expected to hit nearly $74 billion.  Software applications represent approximately $21 billion of that number, with services making up the rest.
– Forrester Research

[Photo courtesy of postregistrar.]

John Harrison: