Five9’s Call Center Software Will Help You Get More Customers

How would you like to dramatically increase your customer base in a short period of time? Five9, an on-demand call center software market leader, makes this possible by helping you increase your company’s daily outbound or inbound calls. This up-and-coming call center company is ideal for small to medium businesses who are growing and are looking for a way to reach more customers.

Five9 has several call center software products to help business operations run efficiently. For outbound call centers, Five9 recommends their Predictive Dialer, which calls company’s call lists automatically to avoid blocked numbers, answering machines, or busy signals. This reduces time and money as agents do not have to manually dial numbers and can avoid dead end calls. For inbound call centers, Five9 offers Interactive Voice Response and Automatic Call Distribution software, which guides customers through a menu of options so that they can be delivered to the right agent. Their auto-dialer gives automated notifications and appointment reminders. Five9’s call center software will increase productivity and the speed of daily business activities.

Many companies have benefitted from Five9’s call center software. Five9 claims that they have processed over 3,013,596,777 calls since 2001. Kingsdale Shareholder Services started using the On-Demand Five 9 Virtual Call Center Suite to handle their growth. The installation of the call center software has been a success. Mayu Babu, of Kingsdale Shareholder Services, said, “ In just one year, this new capability has enabled Kingsdale Shareholder Services to double the number of clients we can handle at any given time, and also take on larger clients with larger shareholder bases.”

Five9 also has a cloud computing platform for call centers, which, NetSuite, Right Now, and Leads 360 have all benefitted from. These companies have increased productivity with logging, call scripting, integrated call handling, and more.

Five9 has six new live webinars on their website, which can help companies learn how to build inbound or outbound call centers in a short period of time. There is also a webinar that shows integration techniques of the Cloud Computing Platform with CRM applications. If you choose not to build your call center with the help of their webinars, Five9 can provision your call center in 48 hours. Check out their website for the latest webinars and demos.

Ronny Cheng: