Free Online Event: Social Media for Customer Management Summit 2011 Unlocking CRM Opportunities from Your Social Media Strategy

Customer Management IQ presents the Social Media for Customer Management Summit 2011, a free online event designed to give you the expert’s edge in social CRM implementation. This event is comprised of 16 online sessions that will run two days a week from April 12 through May 5.

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This summit will arm you with the tools to make measurable and immediate improvements to your customer management strategy. The faculty of experts will provide proven, cutting-edge case study examples for tailoring your social CRM effort to capitalize on the opportunities you have long been promised. These innovative thought leaders come from organizations like Kodak, McDonald’s, AT&T, Thomson Reuters, Novell and SEGA, and they are sharing their insights with you.

Presentation topics include (but are not limited to):
• Defining benchmarks for evaluating social CRM strategy.
• Optimizing ROI from social media.
• Using social CRM culture to recruit employees.
• Recovering from bad press and social media horror stories.
• Preparing for the future of social media.
• Analyzing how much of your budget should be dedicated to social CRM.

Social media is here to stay, and no CRM strategy will be effective if it does not recognize that reality. But, knowing social media’s necessity and being able to make the organizational and cultural changes needed to capitalize on its opportunities are very different things. These interactive sessions will expose you to the knowledge and tools needed to maximize your social CRM benefits.

To learn more or register for this FREE event, visit
Act quickly, space for this event is limited and you don’t want to miss out!

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[Photo courtesy of event-wizard.]

Ronny Cheng: