JCPenney, If You Don’t Listen to Your Customer…You Lose

The Challenge:

Few companies know as much as they should about their customers and their expectations for meaningful engagement.

Being arrogant in disregarding customer expectations is dangerous. This is a lesson JCPenney found out the hard way when sales dropped 25 percent in 2012.

This is reinforced by the Accenture Study on customer-centricity in which the study noted that, for too many companies, providing a tailored experience is an elusive goal: “…failing to deliver a high-quality customer experience can result in a staggering erosion of a company’s customer base–a loss of as much as 50 percent over a five-year period.”

Some of JCPenney’s missteps included ignoring many of the customers’ expectations:

  • Customers have come to expect promotions around holidays–but the company did away with these sale events. In response to their dwindling customer base, JCPenney will be bringing back event promotions 26 times a year, often around holidays such as Mother’s Day.
  • Customers associate a company with the merchandise or services they traditionally provide. When the selection changes, it causes confusion. Since realizing this, JCPenney plans to return to basic clothing and favored brands.
  • Knowing your customers means knowing demographic aspects meaningful to sales. The company switched its focus to a trendier, younger, and generally thinner audience, alienating longtime Penney customers who could not find items to suit their size or style.

Penney has been hurrying to welcome back customers. A few weeks ago, it apologized to customers in an ad that said: “Come back to JCPenney. We heard you. Now, we’d love to see you.” It then ran a second ad thanking customers for returning. New marketing materials also use phrases such as “you asked, we listened” as well as “you can have it all.”

5 Takeaways:

» If you think “the customer doesn’t really know”–stop! You disregard the wisdom and preferences of your customers at great peril! Your business starts and ends with the customer.

» Build your value promise around the wants of your customers. Then, put measures in place at every level of the organization to deliver on that promise. Customers should have a consistent experience with every employee and every situation. And every employee should know what you have promised.

» When is the last time you really asked your customers what you could do better? Before you add, change, or “improve” anything, make sure it is something that will be wanted and embraced by the people who count–your customers.

» If you have not recalibrated your strategies within the past 12 months, you are likely out of date with the needs of today’s rapidly changing and greatly empowered consumers.

» Constantly monitor customer service complaints and sales statistics to identify and quickly resolve “hot button” issues.

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Ernan Roman: Marketing thought leader. Inducted into the Marketing Hall of Fame for creating three transformational methodologies: Voice of Customer Relationship Research, Opt-in Marketing and Integrated Direct Marketing. Named by Crain’s B to B Magazine as one of the "100 most influential people in Business Marketing”. His latest book on marketing best practices is titled, "Voice of the Customer Marketing: A Proven 5-Step Process to Create Customers Who Care, Spend, and Stay." Ernan writes the widely read and Huffington Post published blog, "Ernan’s Insights on Marketing Best Practices”, (, and authored "Opt-in Marketing" and "Integrated Direct Marketing."