Online Web Conferencing Can Save You Money!

Web conferencing has advantages that are cost effective, but stories are rarely told about exactly how much is actually saved.  Effects of savings will differ for everyone, but for one company webinars have allowed them to cut costs by 75%.

BizLaunch, a business training company, has been able to cut cost and become more efficient with the use of web conferencing courtesy of Webex.  Webex turned BizLaunch’s business strategy into one that is more efficient and more cost effective.  Before web meetings, BizLaunch had to hold face to face trainings and seminars nationwide.  With the use of Webex, BizLaunch now holds webinar trainings and seminars.  People can connect to these meetings from any computer or 3G enabled smart phone.

Face to face meetings where adding up month after month.  Having to rent a space to hold the trainings, preparing the necessary material for each, and rising travel costs put a damper on business.  With the use of Webex, web meetings have reduced their costs dramatically.  The features of web conferencing technology allow BizLaunch to expand to other countries, giving them the ability to expand their business.  Bizlaunch holds about 15-20 web conferences a day making web meetings a big portion of their business.

[Photo courtesy of commercenotes.]

George Middleton: