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eGroupware Review

Product Snapshot

Product Pricing

Product is available in multiple plans, contact vendor directly for pricing details.


Product is available as a SaaS solution that requires no additional hardware.

Customer Focus

Vendor works with companies of all sizes.

Select Customers

Hochschule Mainz, Max-Planck-Institute fur Plasmaphysic Institut Greifswald, ETH Zurich, Carl Knauber Holding GmbH und Co, Universitat Bayreuth


About eGroupware

eGroupware eGroupware is collaboration software that provides users with multiple teamwork tools including online calendars, file management functionality, and an integrated email client. The platform enables users to manage tasks and projects by providing teams with access to all project-related information, files and contacts, is equipped with CRM tools including customer information databases, address books and contact type search capabilities, and provides users with administrative functionalities and control settings.

The software facilitates meeting, vacation and appointment scheduling processes, is equipped with file archiving capabilities and read-only settings for sharing with external partners, and interlinks email communications with addresses or files. Additionally, the platform is designed to integrate with existing file stores, provides users with change management and notification tools, and is built with versioning and deletion prevention measures.

About the Company

eGroupware was founded in 2003 and is headquartered in Germany.


eGroupware Key Features

  • Event scheduling and automated event reminder and invitation tools
  • Available mobile version for location-independent organizations and teams
  • Coordinates events, project-related task distribution, and ensures access to up-to-date file stores
  • Integrates with existing CRM applications in order to interlink customer data
  • Email and browser popup notification settings


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