Veritix College Ticketing & Business Platform is available as a SaaS solution that requires no additional hardware.
Veritix works with educational institutions.
Veritix College Ticketing & Business Platform works with your sports ticketing department and provides you with fundraising, ticketing, and marketing tools. For fundraising, the program acts as a centralized manager for donor information, memberships, and campaigns. For instance, it can generate analytics and reports, monitor campaign success rates, hold pledges, and process donations. For ticketing, the system employs Flash Seats, a digital ticketing platform that makes tickets easy to buy and unable to be scalped. Lastly, Veritix College Ticketing & Business Platform can use data from Flash Seats to launch marketing campaigns. You have full control over email blast layouts, ad placements, and more.
About Veritix
Veritix is headquartered in Ohio.