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NAV 7 at Directions EMEA Paul White

Watch Microsoft Dynamics EMEA Paul White discuss the release of NAV 7.

How Microsoft Dynamics NAV Helped Talking Rain Beverage Company

Hear how Talking Rain got better control of their business.

Cloud, On-Premise, or Hybrid: Choosing the Right Combination for Your ERP System

There is no getting around the fact that cloud services are catching on as a proven delivery model in business management applications, such as Enterprise Resouce Planning (ERP). Spanning small companies to large, IDC sees cloud services delivery significantly outpacing traditional software product delivery over the next five years, with private cloud growing nearly five times faster than the software market as a whole, becoming a significant growth driver in all functional software markets.

Ensuring Food Safety and Brand Protection through Supply Chain Traceability

In response to the many highly publicized large scale food recalls that have occurred over the last few years and diminishing consumer confidence, both regulators and the industry are responding with stricter guidelines and policies to ensure the safety of the U.S. food supply.

Enterprise Resource Planning Software: Taking the Plunge

Successful companies are often filled with an excitement and energy that can fuel continued expansion. However, if a comprehensive system to manage the internal processes and procedures that serve as companies’ foundations are not in place, growth can become unwieldy.

ERP Checklist – Steps to Finding the Right ERP Software

No doubt the processes and systems that help you manage your business are constantly evolving and becoming more complex as you work to carve out your market niche. Some of your workflows are manual, some paper-based, some digital, some automated.

ERP Traceability Functions: Going Beyond the Hype

Today’s manufacturers are looking for ERP solutions that improve operations, cutcosts, and help improve product quality. These enterprises want to move “beyond the hype” and away from the empty promises of many ERP vendors in the marketplace.

Get ERP Right the First Time – A Practical Guide to Selecting and Implementing a New ERP System

Manufacturing in the U.S. is getting tougher all the time and the pressure is unrelenting. To remain competitive, you must continually cut costs, increase productivity and improve quality, while at the same time offering better service, faster delivery and lower prices.

How Successful ERP Selections Are Made

When comparing ERP systems, functionality should be considered against the backdrop of the entire package – its technology and its vendor. Only by doing so can manufacturers ensure they make a right and lasting choice.

How to Assure ERP Success: Taking Ownership Delivers Results for Carsound

More often than not, companies that implement an ERP system and have trouble achieving rapid return on investment (ROI) may labor under this misconception, or at the very least may underestimate their own role in successful implementation and operation of their new enterprise software environment.