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Buyers Guides

How to Use CRM to Grow Your Business

A CRM solution implemented right offers many business benefits and all of them converge to offer the ultimate business benefit – a growth in business. With all businesses, the aspects ...

Content Management vs. Document Management: What’s the Difference?

Many companies today recognize the need to better organize their vital business information, store it more cost-efficiently, and make it more readily accessible to employees across the enterprise. Many are ...

"I Do!" Design an Offer That Commences the Sales Marriage

After a lengthy screening process, the hiring committee feels they have found the right sales candidate for the company. Now comes the tricky part, how do you design an offer ...

Accounting Software: Credit Card Processing

Step Up to Electronic Credit Card Processing Are you still using the old-fashioned “slide-print” credit card processing method?  Are you still taking imprints of credit cards and handing out hand-written receipt ...

What is CRM 2.0?

Web 2.0 has been impacting more than just consumers and individuals. It has been having a profound effect on the business community as well. In fact, in a recent survey ...

Key Features of Distribution Software

Distribution software offers a wide range of features that are designed to empower wholesalers, logistics services providers, and other companies who transport, distribute, and deliver finished goods to increase efficiency, ...

When the Customer Is Not King

The concept which has been assiduously followed by businesses is now turning upon them and is forcing a rethink. Often, the customer is “not king” when a business fails to ...

Web CRM Software Features

Web CRM, also known as on-demand CRM or hosted CRM, is a term that generally refers to a customer relationship management application that is made available as a subscription-based service ...

Key Features of Financial Management Software

A financial management software solution can empower an organization to more effectively manage the increasingly complex and multi-faceted transactions and processes it is faced with due to globalization, mergers and ...

Reaping the Benefits of Warehouse Software

Now that the economy is starting to pick back up, it is time to start thinking about restocking your warehouse. With warehouse software, this has never been easier. Once your ...