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Geotab MyGeotab Review

Product Snapshot

Product Pricing

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Platform is a SaaS solution and requires no additional hardware for installation.

Customer Focus

Vendor works with mid-sized businesses, enterprises and multi-national enterprises across multiple industries.

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About MyGeotab

Geotab MyGeotab MyGeotab is GPS fleet tracking software that provides mapped real-time vehicle tracking with scroll-over details such as broken rules and speed levels. The platform allows users to store and view trip information with activity reporting for time spent at the office, at home, driving or together with other drivers.

The software provides businesses with an ID for each driver for accurate data collection even when driving different vehicles. Additionally, the platform allows companies to send out route information, automatically directing drivers to their correct destination.

About the Company

Geotab was founded in 1996 and is headquartered in Ontario, Canada.


MyGeotab Key Features

  • Productivity tracking via engine data
  • Acceleration algorithms
  • In-vehicle buzzer to alert driver to unsafe behaviors
  • 30 customizable reports in excel format
  • Plug-and-play tech requires no additional antennas or wire splicing
  • HOS regulation
  • Can be integrated with a variety of third party devices
  • Satellite tracking as a backup means of communication


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