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EnterpriseDB Disrupts Oracle’s Hold on the Enterprise Database Market

Founded in 2004, EnterpriseDB has made it its mission to disrupt the strangle-hold that Oracle has on the enterprise database industry. We talked to President and CEO Ed Boyajian, who’s no stranger to the open source software industry, about open source solutions and the pain-points that enterprises are currently experiencing in database solutions.

– PivotLink Retail Performance Management Suite

The PivotLink Retail Performance Management Suite is designed to provide retailers with in-depth business performance insights.

Microsoft Machine Learning Server

Microsoft Machine Learning Server is a big data analytics platform that is designed to be flexible while analyzing data at scale, building intelligent apps and discovering valuable insights across a business. The software is able to run both on-premises and in the cloud on Azure Virtual Machines and also has a lower start-up investment and total cost of ownership.

4 BI Vendors Using Impala to Supercharge Hadoop

As a distributed file system for organizing and analyzing big data (think pedabytes), Hadoop has a lot of things going for it: affordability, scalability and flexibility to name a few, yet it’s far from perfect.

HPCC Systems: A New Approach to Open-Source Big Data

LexisNexis Risk Solutions is a big data veteran, and their HPCC systems are a direct competitor of Apache Hadoop. We spoke with Flavio Villanustre, Vice President of LexisNexis Risk Solutions, on their strategic advances and what the future of big data will look like.

IBM BigInsights

IBM BigInsights has been become an industry standard Hadoop offering that has combined open source software and enterprise-grade capabilities. The platform provides businesses a cost effective method to manage and analyze big data.

IBM Streams

IBM Streams is a data analytics platform that allows user-developed applications to collect and analyze information to help make smarter business decisions. The software provides users to analyze and watch information and events at sub-millisecond response times.

InetSoft Style Scope

InetSoft Style Scope, a separate edition of InetSoft Style Intelligence, is dashboard data exploration software that combines InetSoft’s Data Block technology with visualization. In the hands of the user’s IT experts, this program creates performance-tuned blocks of data that can be sent to business users.

InetSoft Style Report Enterprise

InetSoft Style Report Enterprise is a separate edition of InetSoft Style Intelligence that centers around enterprise reporting. Using a completely web-based interface, the platform helps those in need of web-based, J2EE and ad hoc reporting tools.

InetSoft Style Intelligence

InetSoft Style Intelligence is a self-service big data business intelligence software built for solution providers and businesses alike. The platform is powered by InetSoft’s Data Block technology with a feature called Style Intelligence that can perform real-time data mash-ups and display information via dashboards, scorecards, reports and exception alerts.