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Product is available both on-premise and as a SaaS solution.
Vendor provides contract management solutions to legal, procurement, compliance, contract administration and sales professionals in numerous markets including manufacturing, warehousing, energy, health care, financial services, biopharmaceutical, tech, federal, local and state government, gaming, hotel and hospitality, education, and publishing.
Contact vendor directly for case studies.
Contract Insight Enterprise Edition, by CobbleStone Software. Contract Insight is an “end-to-end” enterprise level, AI-enabled Contract Management Software Solution which provides enterprise contract tracking, contract drafting, flexible user-defined fields, advanced report design tools, e-mail alerts, calendar reminders, legal hold, workflow, task and checklists, security, document management, version tracking, financials, cost control, searching, performance tracking, full- text indexing, web platform, web calendaring, mobile app, and more. It is built upon the leading web-enabled technologies, so it can be deployed faster, integrate seamlessly with other apps, and supported easier, thus reducing your total cost of ownership and accelerating your return on investment.
CobbleStone Software was founded 1995.