Pricing starts at $9.90 a month for each user.
PhoneDeck Cloud Smartphone Integration is available as a SaaS solution that requires no additional hardware.
PhoneDeck works with enterprise and mid-sized customers.
PhoneDeck Cloud Smartphone Integration works with company CRM accounts to process and log all customer-related smartphone activity. Every time a user makes a sales call on an Android phone, the program automatically logs the entire call inside that user’s CRM account. Whenever an incoming sales call arrives, the system pulls up all relevant CRM information on the customer within Salesforce so that the rep can be ready to handle inquiries. Users can easily take down notes during each call and even manage their smartphones from within Salesforce. Lastly, PhoneDeck Cloud Smartphone Integration users can simply click on a phone number within Salesforce to initiate a new call.
About PhoneDeck
PhoneDeck was founded in 2010 and is headquartered in Berlin. The company aims to make the most out of smartphones in a business setting.