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Using INTEGRA e-business APEX reports

How to launch the reports and search for information, using INTEGRA e-business APEX reports.

Enterprise CRM Questions

FlowCentric in 49 Seconds

Rent IT – The Perfect Video Rental System in 49 Seconds, as viewed in the Classic Navigator.

Integrating Salesforce with Excel

Demonstration showing batch updates of Salesforce from Excel using Swivelscript.

Swivelscript for Salesforce

Swivelscript for Salesforce demo.

Hello World in Swivelscript

This short demonstration shows Google-searches being automatically logged in Notepad using a little Swivelscript.

CRM Feature Showdown: Comparing 5 Leading CRM Software

Comparing CRM software features can help narrow the choices in the software selection process, enabling organizations to find the solution with the capabilities that answer their requirements. Compare the features of top CRM software products from leading vendors and discover what these solutions have to offer.

5 CRM Best Practices to Increase Sales

As CRM programs have increased in popularity and effectiveness, some best practices have emerged that can make an impact on your sales numbers.

5 Things Growing Businesses Need to Look for in CRM Software

For the growing business, there are five key attributes to demand in CRM software, including scalability and flexibility, an intuitive user experience, dashboard reporting, the potential in hosted solutions, and an understanding of the business requirements.

6 Criteria for Picking a CRM System for Your Business Needs

Which CRM system is right for an organization can depend on several factors, and it isn’t a decision organizations can afford to take lightly. CRM is the path to customer loyalty, new business, and increased revenues over the short and long-term, affecting every area of an organization’s success.