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DNN Evoq Social — Ideation

DNN Evoq Social uses crowd-sourced ideas to foster innovative and collaborative product and business models.

DNN Evoq Social — Blogging

With DNN Evoq Social’s blog feature, users can participate in your community and share content on your blog website.

DNN Evoq Social — Community Managers

DNN Evoq Social simplifies and streamlines the community management tool, allowing community managers to address all activity in a single interface.

DNN Evoq Social — Gamification

The Gamification features in DNN Evoq Social allow users to reward interaction with point systems, badges, and various other delineations of special privileges.

Wild Apricot Website Builder

Wild Apricot Website Builder is a web-based webpage design system made for clients that need to manage memberships.

Brightwork WYMSY Website Management System

Brightwork WYMSY Website Management System is a set of tools used to manage websites and ecommerce platform. The platform allows users to create pages with a page divided into seven zones, each of which can be customized via a variety of point-and-click tools.

– Captavi QixMobile

Captavi QixMobile is a web content management system designed for mobile pages. Offered as part of the Captavi QixSuite marketing automation suite.

– Captavi QixHub

Captavi QixHub is a web content management system that enables you to manage multiple websites from a single administrator login.

– TechExcel FormWise

A web-based form management solution, TechExcel Formwise allows you to create fully customized online forms that can be integrated into your workflow processes.

Sitecore CMS

Sitecore CMS is a scalable and intuitive solution built with functionality to help businesses create dynamic, fully featured web experiences. The platform is built with powerful tools that allow businesses to create and customize their sites to fit their target audiences, improving conversion rates and search engine visibility.