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Polaris: Gearing Up In The Office Software Wars

When it comes to office software, the undeniable leader is Microsoft Office, earning an annual $13.8 billion in this software alone. However, despite the software’s popularity, Microsoft has not made any significant headway in making the Office available on mobile devices. Ironically, what people originally believe to be Microsoft Office in their Android phones is not really an application of this mega-corporation, but a pioneering software developed by a small South Korean company called Infraware Inc. This upstart software is known as Polaris Office.


SilverStripe is open source CMS software designed to be flexible and extensible, easy to use, and is equipped with robust security measures. The platform utilizes a coding structure that is both easy to read as well as easy to maintain, provides users with a templating engine built with frontend in mind, and is designed to support multiple internal teams and roles including developers, marketers, and IT managers.

Six Apart Movable Type

Movable Type is web CMS software that designed as an extensible, user-friendly interface and offers a number of plugins that enable users to customize the system to match company- or user-specific requirements. The platform offers plugins for GoogleOpenIDConnect, Picasa Express, MappingBasedArchive, website and blog organizer, NotifyWho!?, publish queue manager, and Ghostwriter, among many more.

Concrete CMS

Concrete CMS is open source CMS software designed to be mobile-ready, is equipped with SEO tools, and is designed to be a secure and flexible solution. The platform provides users with an intuitive editing system that supports in-context editing, WYSIWYG content editing, and drag-and-drop editing functionality, as well as dynamically generated forms equipped with auto-save and draft capabilities.

MODX Revolution

MODX Revolution is open source PHP CMS software designed to be highly flexible and highly scalable in order to enable users to customize the system to best match company workflows and requirements. The platform is designed to keep the user’s sites safe from hackers and online threats, is built to create high-speed sites in order to support visitor retention, and offers access to a number of add-ons and extras for further customization of the system’s functionality.

Granite Horizon Content Management

Granite Horizon Content Management is a web CMS software solution for all digital communications. The platform allows users to work with workflows to handle all e-mails, CRM communications, social media messages and digital documents built on Drupal and eZ Publish.

– AirWatch Mobile Content Management

AirWatch Mobile Content Management lets you manage and access all your mobile content in a completely secure manner.

How Community Managers Can Use Gamification to Create Sustainable Engagement

The success factor for any community is engagement. The more time users spend interacting with your site and other community members the deeper the relationship they build with your brand. Gamification is a key element in ensuring user engagement. It allows you to optimize your community and get you closer to your customer.

Designing for Mobile Websites Using Responsive Design

Over the last few years, the web design community has seen a monumental shift in how we think about and create websites, due to the rapid rise of mobile browser use. From initially just making sure a site “worked” on mobile, we are now expected to make sure sites are “optimized” for mobile: providing a great user experience no matter the device viewing a site. There are several ways to accomplish this, and one of the most talked about techniques is Responsive Web Design (RWD).

Anicca Digital Reflex

Anicca Solutions Reflex is a simple web CMS software solution designed for technical and non-technical users alike. To help users get started with the program, the Anicca Solutions team can help users draft a professionally designed site with sections marked for certain types of content, such as images and text.