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Features and Benefits

What Is Software Quality Assurance?

Quality Assurance Definition Quality assurance (QA) goes beyond the basic testing of software for flaws, and encompasses the entire process of software development. Although QA testing does incorporate the coding process, ...

What Is Supply Chain Management?

Since there are often many third-parties involved throughout the end-to-end supply chain, SCM software is designed to enhance communication, collaboration, and coordination with vendors and suppliers, transportation and shipping companies, ...

Five Signs You Need Pay-per-click Management software

While many companies have recognized the value of PPC advertising by shifting more dollars online, this increase in spending requires that marketing is more accountable for how it is spent, ...

What Is Survey Software

Today, probably more than ever before, business leaders in a competitive global marketplace are interested in understanding how employees, customers, business partners, or any group of individuals and stakeholders are ...

What PC Lifecycle Configuration Management Can Do for End-Users

How to Keep Your End Users Happy Everyone knows that a PC lifecycle configuration management solution is an extremely valuable asset to any organization that purchases and implements one. However, many ...

Five Tips for Buying Search Marketing Software

How to Buy the Right Search Marketing Software for Your Business Many companies have discovered that their paid search campaigns, such as Google AdWords, are critical to achieving their sales goals. ...

What SFA Means for Your Business

SFA Enhances Your Entire Sales Cycle More and more businesses are recognizing the need for sales force automation (SFA) solutions. As competition heats up in virtually every industry, companies must add new ...

Four Keys to Effective Virtual Classroom Training

Four keys to effective virtual classroom training Virtual classroom training differs from a traditional classroom in that the students and the teacher/trainer are not in the physically present in the same ...

Four Signs It’s Time for a New Accounting System

Get Rid of Those Excel Spreadsheets! There comes a time for every business, as it expands in both size and scope, when a bunch of Excel spreadsheets or a basic accounting ...

Four Tips for Buying Email Marketing Software

What Email Package is Right for Your Business? Your email marketing efforts are critical to the success of your sales operations - providing you with a steady flow of high quality ...