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The Virtual Contact Center of the Future

As the virtual contact center model continues to increase in popularity, it will also drastically evolve. So, what will the virtual contact center of the future look like? Read on to learn more.

Business Software Solutions for Every Company

Every department in your company needs specific business software solutions, whether it’s Accounting, Operations, or…

Traditional vs. Virtual Contact Centers: Which Is Better?

Virtual contact centers are gaining popularity. But, are they really better than traditional call centers? Read on to learn about the pros and cons of virtual contact center operations.

Is CRM Pushing Service out of Style?

There are pitfalls to CRM programs. The biggest issue is how customer relations are effected by the elimination of personalized customer service. This article provides valuable information on how CRM programs can become a problem if management doesn’t have a handle on things.

Do You Give Your Customers the Personalization They Crave?

Before getting down to answering the question asked in the article title, it is pertinent to ask – Why personalize customer care at all? Well, if you personalize your customer service you make the customer feel important and give him a reason to come back to you.

Key Features of Call Recording and Call Monitoring Solutions

Call recording and call monitoring solutions can deliver dramatic benefits to contact centers of all types and sizes. Recordings captured by a call center software can enhance quality management, giving supervisors insight into agent performance.This article highlights the key features and capabilities of today’s leading call recording and call monitoring software packages.

How to Use CRM to Grow Your Business

A brief summary of how to determine if your CRM solution is part of your company’s value chain.

When the Customer Is Not King

Conventional wisdom states that the customer is always right and he is the king. But increasingly businesses are being faced with customers who are plainly in the wrong but refuse to budge or understand. Customer awareness and influence is beginning to irk businesses especially when dealing with what could be called rogue customers.

Customer Service Software Key Features

Customer service software solutions provide companies with a broad range of capabilities designed to enhance end-to-end support operations. With customer service software, businesses can enhance service delivery and improve satisfaction.

Customer Service Tactics to Handle Difficult Customers

Quality customer service is a key element to building lasting business relationships. How management and staff members deal with problem customers will have a direct effect on the way future prospects perceive your business. This article provides six tactics to manage difficult customers and properly train your staff on how to react.