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Next Generation Web Content Management – A Comprehensive Assessment of Current Challenges & The Future of WCM

Customers and prospects are engaging in a growing number of digital channels before making purchases, and the buying process is rarely a set of simple linear steps. Supporting prospects throughout the buying cycle requires a dialogue between a company and the prospect, and this dialogue should be highly relevant, timely and personalized to maximize marketing effectiveness and grow top-line revenue.

The Siren Song of Open Source CMS: Should You Listen?

Over the past 25 years, open source software has evolved from the fringes of high tech society into the mainstream. The “siren song” of open source is a powerful one, promising to eliminate software licensing costs and give entrée to a passionate, global development community. But should enterprise IT organizations heed it? Or, as in Greek mythology, do those who are tempted by the siren song of open source suffer tragic consequences?

The Sitecore Solution for Web Content Management

In today’s global economy, companies exploit the Web as a medium for building business relationships. They expect to manage their Web-based content in a cost-effective manner. By adopting a Web content management (WCM) application, a firm transforms key aspects of its core operations by enabling its line-of-business staff to maintain Web-based content on their own, without ongoing support from an IT group.

VAI Web Development Services: Customers Achieve Quality Websites and Strong Web Presence

VAI) offers a myriad of web development services through its Web Design Studios such as graphic design, search engine optimization (SEO) guidance, e-commerce, web development, and internet marketing to help companies establish or improve their image and web presence.

13 Tips for Choosing a Web Content Management System

Choosing a web content management system for your business will help you manage your content in an organized manner while eliminating the need to implement an on-premise solution. There are many different variables you need to consider as you look into web content management systems.

Tips to Engage Your Website Visitors

To stay alive in today’s fast-paced marketplace, companies must continue to find ways to use their web properties to engage prospects, customers and partners to drive unique and compelling results. Read on for tips on how to engage your visitors with a solid WCM solution and strategy.

Recipe for a Smart Web Content Management System

With the right tools and expertise, your website can succeed in recruiting new customers and retaining and expanding your existing customer relationships. Read on for tips on building a smart web content management system that delivers online success.

About Web Content Management Software

A web content management system is a comprehensive solution that enables effective management of web content throughout its lifecycle, allowing websites to be updated in a timely and efficient manner. Web content management systems make it easy for companies to maintain consistent branding across all company-related websites.

Web Content Management and Web 2.0

What exactly is Web 2.0? And what does it have to do with content management? Read this article for an excellent overview of 2.0 content trends, and get ideas on how your company can benefit.

Does Your Content Measure up?

Selecting a web content management system often brings up the question of a websites content quality. Does the content on your site measure up? Below are some guidelines your visitors consider when determining if your content is worth their time.