Pragmatic Software ALM and QA Testing Solutions
Pragmatic Software provides award winning application lifecycle management (ALM) tools and portals that allow teams to complete projects faster and with higher quality. Founded in 1992, Pragmatic Software now serves over 70,000 customers in over 24 different countries.
By offering comprehensive and flexible products that are fully web-based and providing top notch customer support, Pragmatic Software was able to gradually grow its customer base into the large number they currently have today. Pragmatic Software provides clients with access to online support tickets as well as phone support. Pragmatic takes pride in being able to back its top notch ALM tools with unparalleled customer support, helping them to maintain a large, loyal customer base.
Pragmatic Software Key Strengths
- With Feature Based Pricing, you can pay for what you need. Some teams need to manage all phases of the lifecycle, while others just need to manage specific areas (like defects, test cases, customer specifications, etc). Software Planner allows you to purchase its features ala cart so that you pay for only the features you need.
- Save money with upgrades to future product versions at no additional costs. SaaS clients receive future products at no additional cost and Enterprise clients also are capable of getting new upgrades at no additional cost.
- Software Planner provides all the features you need to manage all phases of the development lifecycle in a single integrated tool eliminating the need to purchase separate products that can be very costly.
- With a 92% customer satisfaction rating, Pragmatic Software takes pride in being able to maintain outstanding customer support. With easily searchable knowledge bases as well as an efficient support ticket system, support requests are quickly followed up on to maintain high customer satisfaction.
- With its competitive pricing model, there is no need for pricing to change from one client to another. Consistent discounts are offered for long term commitments and volume purchases.