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Top 15 Process Manufacturing Software

Process manufacturing software improves and automates most production, procurement, supply chain, quality and inventory processes for process manufacturers. Download the Top 15 Process Manufacturing report for our comparison of the top process manufacturing software solutions.

Adobe Captivate 9

Adobe Captivate 9 is eLearning content development software designed to assist educators with creating and managing interactive content. Adobe Captivate enables users to quickly and easily import Microsoft PowerPoint content and add in rich media such as interactive videos, demos and product simulations. The software promotes collaboration, and makes it easy to manage quizzing, scoring, tracking and reporting.

Top 15 Manufacturing Software

Manufacturing software will help companies manage daily operations, automate production schedules, reduce operations costs, improve inventory management and increase productivity. Download the Top 15 Manufacturing report for our comparison of the leading manufacturing software solutions.

Top 10 Product Lifecycle Management Software

Product lifecycle management (PLM) software manages products throughout conception, design, manufacturing, service and decommission. PLM software integrates people, data processes and business systems. Download the Top 10 Product Lifecycle Management software report for our comparison of the top PLM software solutions.

Top 10 Professional Services Automation Software

Like an ERP but for service organizations, professional service automation (PSA) includes modules such as accounting, client relationship management, project management and payroll to help automate the professional service firm’s projects and resources. Download the Top 10 Professional Services Automation Software report for our comparison of the top PSA solutions.

Top 10 Business Process Management Software

Business Process Management software optimizes business processes to positively impact a company’s cost and revenue generation. These solutions provide real-time visibility into business operations and enable companies to discover, automate and optimize various processes. Download our Top 10 Business Process Management report for a comparison of the leading BPM solutions.

Top 10 Distribution Software

Distribution software optimizes the end-to-end operations to help improve cost-output ratio and build a better infrastructure. Download our Top 10 Distribution Software solutions report for a comparison of the top Distribution vendors and compare ease-of-use, technology model, features and client base.

Top 10 Warehouse Management Software

Transportation and logistics software systems allow companies to employ more complex shipping processes while saving money, time and other valuable resources overall. Learn more in the Top 10 Transportation and Logistics report and compare features and services between the top software solutions.

Adobe RoboHelp

Adobe RoboHelp is a help authoring tool that enables technical writers to collaborate and optimize content for help systems, policies, procedures and knowledge bases. The software helps users to generate collaborative reviews and generate user-centric content, allows users to deliver differentiated content for different devices and screens, and allows users to use HTML5 to publish content in EPUB 3, KF8 and MOBI formats.

How to Use Contribute (Part 2)

Tutorial on how to edit webpages using Adobe Contribute