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10 Steps to an Effective Email Marketing Campaign

Emails have given businesses the ability to market their products and services in a cost-effective and efficient manner. Email marketing campaigns are direct, personal, interactive, and can be executed without any special skill requirements.

Small Business Management Software: Case Studies of Successful Implementations

Learn how small business management software including CRM systems and ERP in a variety of industries has helped companies around the world compete more effectively in the marketplace.

Increase the Effectiveness of Your Email Marketing

Email marketing can be an effective and cost-efficient way to deliver your message and value proposition to your potential clients and attract new business. Here are some tips to help you improve your email marketing efforts, and maximize your results.

Top 10 Email Marketing Software

Email marketing software facilitates a more powerful, targeted email marketing campaign with an increased distribution capacity, enhanced customization capabilities and more accurate analytics reporting. Download the Top 10 Email Marketing report to browse our comparison chart of leading email marketing platforms.

Email Marketing – Hosted or On-premise Software?

Is on-site email marketing software right for your business? Or is a hosted solution a better option? This article weighs the benefits and drawbacks of each approach, so you can make the most informed decision regarding your email marketing software.

Email Marketing Software Key Features

Email marketing software is robust and highly functional, empowering marketing professionals with the tools they need to automate and streamline all their critical email marketing activities. This article highlights the key features and capabilities of today’s most popular email marketing software packages.

What is Email Marketing Software?

The use of email marketing as a communication and lead generation vehicle continues to rise. Email marketing software helps companies automate and refine their programs, providing the tools and technologies they need to optimize results and boost campaign ROI.

Four Tips for Buying Email Marketing Software

Email marketing software can dramatically improve the effectiveness of your marketing outreach. But, choosing the right package for your business can be quite a challenge. Here are some quick tips to help you find the best email marketing software at the best possible price.

Infusionsoft Sales-Based CRM Demo

Watch a quick demo and see how to increase sales rep productivity by integrating marketing automation into CRM.

Infusionsoft Overview

Watch this video to see how Infusionsoft helps small businesses succeed with automation.