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LinkedIn Is a Waste of a Sales Person’s Time!

There are many misconceptions about LinkedIn. It’s not just for job searches or networking. It is a unique lead generation platform.

Shift Your Focus to Quality Leads with SFA

As marketing departments work to generate a higher volume of leads, sales reps struggle to find and prioritize the ones that are truly qualified. Sales force automation (SFA) can help companies improve the quality of the leads they acquire, while also enabling sales reps to more effectively identify and manage the “hottest” opportunities.

Beware of Hiring Your Competitor’s Sales People

Hiring sales people from the competition always seems like a no-brainer, but there are many pitfalls with this hiring strategy.

Building Your Sales Metric Management System in 4 Easy Steps

Every sales manager is searching for revenue from their salesforce, but the recipe to achieving the revenue target comes from the development of their unique sales metric management system.

The Two Most Powerful Words That Will Make You Sell More

Sales people are searching for the secrets to selling success…These two words are the drivers that will take their income to a new level.

Try before Buy

In the service and technology industries, it is not uncommon for prospects to request pilot programs before committing their full business. Yet, there are important steps for the sales person to take before agreeing to the engagement.

Can’t Sell Today

As a sales manager you’ve heard a million excuses why it is simply impossible to sell. It’s Monday morning, time for the weekly sales meeting, where you’ll hear a few new whoppers. Get a laugh from this diatribe from a fallen sales hero.

Understanding Sales Tracker Software

What is sales tracker software, and why do you need it? In one sentence, sales tracker software is software that allows you to track everything in your sales process, from lead generation to closing. There are a lot of pieces in that process, and sometimes things can be missed by someone within your company; sales tracker software helps alleviate that concern.

10 Steps to Convert Your Prospects into Clients

A step by step guide to help you learn how to turn your prospects into customers. V

Close Doors, Not Sales

You have probably been told that the key to sales is closing. We take a different approach, one that focuses on a mutually beneficial relationship. In this article, a new perspective on “asking for the business” is shared.