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Finding the Right Sales Talent for Your Company

Hiring sales talent is one of the most critical activities a company performs. However, few are adept at hiring the right people for their firm. This article shows you how to hire the right talent.

What Is Leadership?

People are often told to “be a leader,” but what does that mean? How do people know how to act as a leader when no one defines it for them? There is a simple mantra that defines leadership.

Oracle Siebel CRM

Oracle’s Siebel CRM is a customer relationship management tool made to help companies differentiate themselves from their competitors. Siebel CRM is a combination of transactional, analytical and engagement features to help companies manage all customer facing operations. Siebel CRM offers 20 industry specific CRM solutions and is offered either as an on-premise or on-demand solution. Oracle’s Siebel CRM helps companies gain insight into what to sell and who to sell it to based on buying patterns of related customers. Marketing features help sales teams create email marketing campaigns to improve sales.

What Is Sales Force Automation?

Sales force automation is a vital, must-have component of any customer relationship management (CRM) strategy. When closely aligned and integrated with marketing and customer service automation systems, SFA becomes an integral part of CRM operations, allowing your company to more effectively manage customer interactions across all touch-points.

Oracle CRM On Demand

Oracle CRM On Demand is a complete CRM solution that can help companies drive sales, improve marketing operations, improve customer loyalty and improve overall service effectiveness. Oracle CRM On Demand provides companies with contextual intelligence, real-time and historical analytics and adaptive business planning to help companies make better business decisions.

What SFA Means for Your Business

Many businesses today are turning to sales force automation (SFA) solutions to streamline and automate complex and inefficient sales processes. With SFA, companies are empowered with the tools and technologies they need to improve every facet of the sales cycle, and increase success rates.

Four Tips for Buying Contact Management Software

There are many contact management software packages to choose from, and finding the right one for your business can seem like a daunting task. These four tips will help simplify the selection and purchase of your contact management software solution.

Sage ACT! Connect: Setting up Your Device‬

Learn how to set up your mobile device and download the Sage ACT! Connect client.

Sage ACT! Customer Spotlight: Z-Axis

Learn why Z-Axis executives felt that Sage ACT! was the best solution to meet their needs.

What’s the Plan?

If you don’t have a destination, how can you develop a map to get there? This may sound like a question for a driver, but it is also a question for sales people.