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LiveOps Voice Review

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Product is available as a SaaS solution.

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About LiveOps Voice

LiveOps Voice LiveOps Voice is a multi-channel agent desktop and phone application built on the LiveOps platform. It gives call center agents a web-based panel for making and routing inbound and outbound calls.

The software easily integrates with other desktop managers and CRM platforms, making it flexible and interactive. The LiveOps platform (including all the apps that run on it) has the ability to rapidly scale as call volumes overflow or decline, allowing both the technology and the capacity of agents to handle cases to increase or decrease as the need fluctuates.

About the Company

LiveOps was founded in 2000 and is headquartered in Redwood City, California.


LiveOps Voice Key Features

  • Complete control over call routing via a Java and Comet-based phone panel
  • Manage outbound calling hours and target lists
  • Built-in Internet Relay Chat (IRC) for line groups or agent-to-supervisor chats
  • Interactive Voice Response (IVR) platform allows for customizable self-service apps or pre/post routing
  • Integrates easily with leading CTI/CRM platforms; or build custom apps using the LiveOps Desktop API
  • Optional add-ons: Speech-enabled apps, touchtone call routing, post-call surveys


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