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It’s a Mad, Mad, Mad Multichannel World!

Why does multichannel matter? By integrating voice, e-mail, web, and chat support into a single customer service strategy, companies are putting choice back in the customer’s hands.

Automation, Not Mechanization

How many steps do you perform from incident submission to incident resolution? How many screens are toggled through just to record the initial submission? How many communications are performed throughout the resolution life-cycle?

PhaseWare Tracker Incident Manager

Overview of the Incident Manager functionality within the PhaseWare Tracker application.

PhaseWare Customer Support

An overview of PhaseWare’s Customer Support Software Applications.

BizAutomation On-Demand is an ERP and CRM software with many additional features to support a company’s operations. The platform allows users to work with a messaging system, support for portals, PRM, project management and a dozen more functions in the super suite.

– Amdocs Customer Interaction Manager

Amdocs Customer Interaction Manager When it comes to handling a large amount of customer data, the Amdocs Customer Interaction Manager […]

– Amdocs Smart Agent Desktop

Amdocs Smart Agent Desktop is customer management and call center software that provides agents with smart guidance tools that deliver context-sensitive advice during customer assistance calls. The platform is designed with a process-driven user interface to assist agents in navigating the system and provides a unified desktop portal for access to multiple, disparate applications necessary to company workflows.

– Amdocs Support

Amdocs Support is a case management solution that improves customer service, increases revenue, and optimizes workflows. To handle customer cases, this product uses a ticketing system that speeds up response times and guarantees that no inquiry falls through the cracks.

4 Strategies to Deliver Exceptional Customer Service in 2013

Whether you cater to individuals, groups, or other businesses, customer service practices can make or break your business. 73% of customers have spent more with a company because it has a great customer service track record. No matter how great your customer service is, there are always ways to improve your service and wow your customers.

– Vitrue Social Relationship Management Platform

Oracle Vitrue Social Relationship Management is a business intelligence platform designed to position a business to enable social across an enterprise. The software’s UI is available in over 36 languages, can listen in more than 28 languages. The application has expanding coverage of global data sources with customizable workflows for team collaboration.