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De Facto Software CRM

De Facto Software CRM is a part of the De Facto Software ERP Suite and manages all customer data and interactions in real-time. Each interaction is treated as an event, and users get to progress the event throughout the CRM lifecycle based on how their customers react.

– ITSmartDesk Social IT Service Management Platform

ITSmartDesk Social IT Service Management Platform is a help desk software solution that revolves around social media platforms.

Customer Surveys are Great. Unless you Ask The Wrong Questions

The chief technology officer of a company for which I occasionally do some work dug into his archives this past week and came up with a customer survey that was administered when this company was developing its first major product about 20 years ago. I regularly express concern that this company does an inadequate job of properly figuring out what its market really needs. As a result, it frequently falls into the trap of listening to a single prospect’s requirements and building products that ultimately prove to have a market of just one.

Deskero Help Desk

Deskero is help desk software that combines the traditional elements of help desk tools with the most modern ways to engage with customers. The platform allows users to work with simple yet effective tools to integrate requests coming from different channels (emails, chats, websites, social networks) into a single database and put some order into the chaos of modern customer care.

House Renos and the Art of Customer Service

Customer service is based on what I have come to call my first law of competitive differentiation, the proposition that, in an age when almost any technological or cost advantage will rapidly and inevitably be eroded, the only sustainable competitive differentiation for most companies is to treat their customers like the center of the universe, which they are.

– VanillaDesk

VanillaDesk is a service desk software solution that sports a number of ITIL V3 processes. The program starts at the user dashboard, where you can view comprehensive service analytics and reports.

Coveo Intelligent Customer Support

Coveo Intelligent Customer Support is a customer service software that helps connect troubled customers with solutions they need through intelligent information placement. The platform automatically reads customer case content and pulls up relevant solution information when the case is sent to an agent.

– HP Autonomy Qfiniti

Autonomy Qfiniti is a customer service software solution that helps you manage your agents and streamline phone operations. The program works across e-mail, phone and instant messaging systems to record all your customer interactions and monitor them for quality. Users can identify agents who need to be coached via in-program tools.

A Customer Experience Where People Would Pay Double

Did the title of this article seem incredulous to you? Or, on the other hand, perhaps the prospect caused a bit of excitement in your mind. This article asks a variety of questions about the customer experience, and you could learn a lot by thinking about your answers to them.


CurationSoft is an online content sharing platform designed for dedicated bloggers whose goal is to circulate as much content as possible amidst their audience. The platform allows users to search across Google Blog, YouTube, Wikipedia and other similar sites for content to post across any social media platform.