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EdgeWave ePrism Review

Product Snapshot

Product Pricing

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Platform is a SaaS solution and requires no additional hardware for installation.

Customer Focus

Vendor works with midsize to large companies across multiple industries.

Select Customers

Shepherd Electric Supply, 80/20 Inc, Krueger Wholesale Florist, Geneseo Communications Inc


About ePrism

EdgeWave ePrism ePrism is email security software designed to identify attacks and synchronize defense measures through a fusion of advanced technology and cybersecurity analyst expertise. The platform protects against spam, phising, viruses and Advanced Persistant Threats, is equipped with a multi-engine email scanning tool and provides continuous email access during both planned and unplanned mail server outages.

The software is designed with multiple encryption options, customizable reporting and alert settings, and provides data loss prevention tools. Additionally, the platform includes an email archive functionality that stores all emails in unalterable states to facilitate regulatory compliance and litigation issues.

About the Company

EdgeWave was founded in 1995 and is headquartered in San Diego, California.


ePrism Key Features

  • Storage management tools
  • Built with multi-layered security
  • Fully integrates with Office 365
  • Human review capabilities
  • Artificial intelligence filters
  • Adaptive threat detection through grey listing and merit-based reputation analysis of IP addresses, senders and recipients


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