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– RedPoint Visual Analytics Review

Product Snapshot


RedPoint Visual Analytics is available as an on-premise solution.

Customer Focus

RedPoint works with multinational, enterprise and mid-sized customers.

About RedPoint Visual Analytics

- RedPoint Visual Analytics RedPoint Visual Analytics is a big data analytics software solution that works with marketing campaigns to measure total reach. The program comes with a number of reports and graphs that can cleanly display the results of a marketing campaign. For instance, users can track all conversion rates, bounces, interaction points and more. The system can then provide deeper analysis into campaign results by identifying highly valuable customers and regions where customers are most active. Users can compare different data slices and parallels against one another, and the product can build interactive data dashboards. Lastly, RedPoint Visual Analytics makes it easy for people to share reports.

About RedPoint
RedPoint was founded in 2006 and is headquartered in Delaware.

RedPoint Visual Analytics Key Features

  • On-premise big data analytics software solution
  • Works with results from marketing campaigns
  • Displays conversions, bounces and more across graphs and reports
  • Identifies the most valuable customers and regions with low activity
  • Hosts data on interactive dashboards
  • Shares reports and graphs with other users
  • Can compare the multiple campaign results with one another


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