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Can CRM Help You Gain Lifetime Customers?

The objective of CRM is two-fold – to keep the existing customers happy and to gain new customers as well. Managed right, a CRM initiative will deliver on both accounts; in the fact you will find that with a purposeful approach you will convert your present customers into your clients.

The reason this happens; is that customers are inclined to do business with one company under one entity, if they can achieve a comfort level with you and what you have to offer.  That is how customer loyalty grows.  Both parties on each end; the buyer and seller do want a mutual and gratifying business related experience. The bonus of making it come to full circle, lies within the seller who should never take the customer loyalty for granted. In these competitive times, a customers attention is aggressively prospected. So, what can you do to ensure that a person making a purchase at your shop will come back again?

Aspects to work on

  1. A holistic approach to CRM should be adopted and one that stresses employee efficiency, satisfaction along with superior customer satisfaction. Customers do gravitate towards certain salespeople. It is like having only Jake or John do your hair. Employees who have been around for some time are an invaluable asset in training rookies as they understand business protocols; they also pick up aspects of conducting a business that cannot really be passed on in workshops. These skills are best learned through working with them as they have the hands on experience and knowledge. In order to keep the employee satisfied and for you to save in other resources; you can divert to developing your CRM initiative and in turn, you can retain your customers instead of managing a revolving door with constant change over.
  2. Know what it takes to convert incoming leads and referrals into a business prospect and long term relationship.  The chances of converting a one-time buyer into a repeat long term customer increases greatly, if you have a wider base of  customers to reach out to. Word of mouth sells the best in regards to reputation and work product.  To ensure that you are following the best practices for your industry in regard to lead management. Once you have identified the clients need and can address them fully; you will strike a lifelong relationship with the customer.
  3. CRM systems enable businesses to customize their offerings to an amazing level of service. However; customization brings with it the problem of maintaining consistent levels with your offerings. Small lapses like missed anniversary greetings or purchase points not added can make the customer feel let down. Realize that excellent service must be delivered consistently.
  4. Know your customers pulse. The customer is going to come back if he believes you can offer him what he wants. This is where CRM comes in. Know what your customer needs are and values and provide it to him. Of course, today the whole idea of CRM is to exceed the customers expectations. Put an effort in, to personalize the relationship. Show empathy and try to be in the customers shoes; comprehending their needs and wants and offer solutions to solve them.
  5. Remember, relationship building is about keeping promises and accepting  responsibility. Do that with your customer. Reach out from time to time while keeping your attention firmly on your data. There are many things that can occur with data. Information on life stages, ethnic groups, buying capacities, etc.  Find out what customer profiles can get you the best results from your efforts. Cut good buyers some slack. Be prepared to make short-term sacrifices in order to gain lifelong customers and clients.