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What PC Lifecycle Configuration Management Can Do for End-Users

How to Keep Your End Users Happy
Everyone knows that a PC lifecycle configuration management solution is an extremely valuable asset to any organization that purchases and implements one. However, many believe that the advantages that a business can achieve through the use of a PC lifecycle configuration management system – including increased productivity, enhanced computer performance, and reduced costs – are limited solely to the IT department.

But, what few companies realize is that PC lifecycle configuration management software can also offer significant benefits to their end user base, making the technology tools that workers need to perform their jobs more efficient and more reliable.

Today’s employees are more dependent on their PCs than ever before. Nearly every task they execute involves the use of their computer in some way. And while desktops and laptops have made workers more efficient and effective by eliminating the manual processes that are repetitive, cumbersome, and error-prone, such strong reliance on them has created additional, and perhaps more pressing issues – such as dramatic slowdowns in vital business activities when those systems are not functioning properly.

One of the primary goals of a PC lifecycle configuration management system is to maximize the performance and reliability of desktop and laptop computers, as well as the mission-critical business applications that run on them. With a PC lifecycle configuration management package in place, systems will always be available and readily accessible to end users, whenever they are needed. So, true business continuity is realized, and the day-to-day activities that drive growth and profitability are smooth, seamless, and uninterrupted.

By deploying a PC lifecycle configuration management solution, companies can:

  • More rapidly install, set-up, configure, and roll out new PCs, so new staff members can get up and running, and begin contributing to the bottom line, as quickly as possible.
  • Enable more timely distribution and installation of patches and bug fixes, so they can ensure that productivity is never put in jeopardy due to problems that are inherent in the software itself.
  • Keep all security packages, such as anti-virus solutions and spyware and malware detection software, up to date. This helps to avoid downtime caused by corrupted or lost information, and prevents time wasted repairing damaged files and applications that have been quarantined.
  • Facilitate faster upgrades and enhancements, so users can realize the biggest increases in efficiency by utilizing the latest and greatest features and functions.
  • Empower IT professionals to more accurately identify and correct system issues, so problems get resolved before operations come to a screeching halt.

And, perhaps most importantly, companies can leverage a PC lifecycle configuration management tool to implement and enforce formal PC usage policies among their workforce. So, all employees have a clearer understanding of what is – or isn’t – allowed when it comes to software installation, system usage, etc. This eliminates any potential confusion and fosters better communication, trust between IT departments and the end users they support.